Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sick day...

When you have a debilitating cold, you get to sit around the house, listen to your cockatiel sing along with Primus, and catch up on video game news on the Interweb while considering paying $55 to see Wrestlemania 25.

Remember "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters"? The documentary about the guy trying to beat the Donkey Kong world record. His name was Steve Wiebe and he was ultimately denied the record because he used a DK circuit board that may have been tampered with. Well, he will get another chance to usurp Billy Mitchell's reign at this year's E3. This time, Twin Galaxies (the official video game high score record keepers) will provide the board so there will be no chance of tampering. Also, it will be live on G4 on June 2. Hopefully they don't play the whole thing... that would just get boring. I can't watch people play video games because I always know that I'd play them better! Maybe it'll be different when I can see a guy that actually knows what he's doing for once... but probably not.

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