Saturday, April 11, 2009

Records... or not.

I just picked up the Guinness Book of World Records: Gamer's Edition, and I gotta say... it's not quite what I expected. Sure, there's a list of high scores in the back to try to beat, but the majority of the book is records like, "Biggest town in Age of Conan," or "Number of calories burned playing fitness games." Oh boy. The actual records, like "Fastest-selling video game of all time," are buried in between piles of innocuous jibba jabba. The facts are interesting, but I was totally thrown off by the title. Most Guinness books are pages and pages of text with records that are achievable and beatable by everyday, normal people with a lot of practice. This book isn't records. This book is facts. It's still a neat coffee table read... it's just misleading. Oh well, at least there's lots of pretty pictures!

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