Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I want to play a funny game. When things are humorous in real life, it's because I made light of whatever bad/normal/good situation I was in. I enjoy watching Comedy Central Presents, and comedy movies are fun once a year or so, so you have time to forget the gags and punchlines. There have been a few attempts at funny games in recent memory (Penny Arcade, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Armed & Dangerous), but it was always humor, then gameplay, then more humor, then more gameplay. I want comedy and good gameplay to be entwined in a way that one would not succeed without the aid of the other. Sure, it would be tough because not everyone has the same sense of humor, but no art has ever been created with the intent of pleasing every last person in the world. Grand Theft Auto caters to mature gamers exclusively, and it sells reasonably well (except on the DS, apparently). I want funny people to write funny things for funny games. The Daily Show: Stewart's Revenge, now on Xbox Live! Something like that. There are lighthearted games (Mario, anything on Wii), and there are serious games (GTA, Call of Duty, anything on 360 or PS3). In the middle, there are games that try to be funny. Even if they are clever, I have rarely, in my entire life as a gamer, laughed aloud at something that happened in a game. Movies and TV... all the time. Why? The Harvey Birdman game was just like the show, only without the need to laugh, ever. I enjoyed it, despite it's obvious flaws as a game, but I didn't laugh. And that's sad. Why is it so hard?

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