Friday, February 6, 2009

Violent Video Games = Bad People. Apparently.

Hey, look! There's a new study that says, "the frequency and type of video games played appears to parallel risky drug and alcohol use, poorer personal relationships, and low levels of self-esteem." Apparently, guys play more violent video games than girls and also have poorer personal relationships. According to a professor in Utah, the land of fun, "these findings... indicate video gaming may cluster with a number of negative outcomes." So, the study doesn't prove that video games breed bad people, or that bad people play video games, or even that video games are one of the many factors bringing about the downfall of traditional American values. No way! Violent kids play violent games! I thought they'd go home after a long day of gang warfare and play Viva Pinata.


Anyways. My favorite part is the section that implies that people who play video games have more sexual partners than people who don't (i.e. emotionally stable people). Remember back in the day when being a gamer ensured that you NEVER got laid? Things are changing!

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