Tuesday, May 12, 2009

100th Post! Woo! Woo... Whew...

100 posts in about as many days. I had roughly one day a month where I didn't have access to a computer and I missed a post, but all in all, I'd say I've done pretty well. I didn't take weekends off, or holidays, or sick days. Pretty consistent for some n00b that's never had a blog before. I only have, like, 7 readers, but I still feel that I have an obligation, if not to them, then to myself, to continue. One day in January 2009, I simply said to myself, "You know, I really want to write about video games for a living." I did some research, and found out that the best way to start doing that was to write about games without getting paid, just for the love of the game! So here I am.

Sure, some days, it's hard to come up with a topic, and I have to scour the day's game news for something interesting. Some days, I have to choose to blog during my one free hour between my two jobs instead of eating lunch. But it's my blog, and I can write about anything I want. True, Blogger isn't the most powerful, feature-filled blogging tool in the universe, but it's free, and I can use it to share some of my thoughts and insights with the world, whether the world actually listens or not. The world will hear, eventually. I haven't given up yet.

I've sunk many, many hours into this. Is it worth it? It will be.

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