Thursday, February 19, 2009

Backwards Style

When will backwards compatibility go out of style? Four different next-gen systems have it, at least to some degree. The only one lacking is the PSP, because the format is just too weird. By including all the games from a previous system, game makers can say, "Hey look! We already have 500 games you can play on your PS3! Now you don't have to buy Resistance, the only good launch game." It keeps game makers from really trying somthing different. The controllers have to remain roughly the same, the circuit boards can't be radically different, and the customers have to feel that their brand new system is still a good investment even when the first generation of new games is... lacking. The argument can be made that the controllers, after year's of research, are approaching perfection in the user-interface department; that's why the PS3 and 360 controllers are almost exactly the same. (Nintendo, it seems, is just being difficult.) Or, people are used to controlling games in a certain way, and change is hard and scary. Unfortunately, it looks like we're gonna be stuck with DualShock 3's, 4's, and 5's for the rest of video games conceivable future. Oh well. At least it's an improvement on the Jaguar controllers...

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